Need advice on lipstick shades, moisturising needs, and ways to achieve ideal dewy skin? Skincare and beauty bloggers are just the mentors we need.

With a world of brands and products out there, it’s only natural to feel lost and even overwhelmed amidst the options.

We’re proud to say that we’ve narrowed down on a list of ladies that are absolutely killing it in the world of beauty and skincare!

Their advice and tips continue to be authentic, effective, and sought after by millions around the world. By checking out what these skincare and beauty bloggers have to say, you could also up your skincare game. Ready?

Skincare and Beauty Personalities 2020

1. Gursheel Dhillon

Meet Gursheel, founder and editor-in-chief of Vanilla Luxury, an affordable luxury lifestyle magazine. She considers herself lucky to have understood the importance of skincare, back when she was just 17.

“During my teenage years, I had a horrible phase with acne which really took a hit on my self-esteem and confidence. I was lucky at 17 to be working for an international beauty brand and very quickly learnt the importance of taking good care of my skin, as I saw a drastic change in my complexion. It’s been 14 years now, and I still remove my makeup once I’m home. I am also very religious in my day and night care routine.”

Ever since, she has invested in a career that uncovers the best products and services for both men and women. Although she covers a wide variety of topics ranging from dining to travel, beauty has always been a big part of her professional career. Her honest opinions on skincare lead tons of followers to slide into her Instagram DM’s.

To top it off, Gursheel is also an Internations Ambassador who regularly welcomes newcomers to the country!


Skincare and Beauty Personalities 2020

2. Faz Gaffa Marsh

A travel, beauty and lifestyle writer, Faz has her byline featured on major publications like, Bustle and Buzzfeed. As a young mother, Faz navigates a hectic schedule juggling family and work, yet manages to fetch time for her all-time passion: skincare.

The changing needs of our skin is something she talks a lot about.

“Skincare is crucial but I think everybody needs to see a dermatologist once in a while. Sometimes you think your skin is a certain way, but only a doctor knows best. I recommend seeing one when you have a change in lifestyle, whether just graduating, heading into your wedding, or even after pregnancy.

Also, you may have ride-or-die skincare staples but for most of us, our skin changes through the year depending on environmental and hormonal stressors, and personalised skincare takes that into account!”


Skincare and Beauty Personalities 2020

3. Gail Soh

Gail is a financial advisor, a digital content creator, and a new mother to her 4 months old daughter. What’s amazing is that she’s still maintained that motherhood glow — inspiring, right?

“I’m self-employed so there’s no clear distinction between work and play. As such I tend to neglect my skin when I get busy! Now that I’m also a mother, I make a conscientious effort to apply skincare that is effective and convenient to minimise time wastage and maintain that mama glow!

I started dabbling in skincare when I realised what’s most important is not the cosmetic products you ply on in the day, but the skincare regime you follow during the night. The inner glow is much more effective than any highlighter, because you don’t need any makeup once you have good skin (:”

Gail’s Instagram account reveals the realities and struggles of practicing an efficient skincare routine as a new mum.

Skincare and Beauty Personalities 2020

4. Shermaine Khoo 

Shermaine is a full-time blogger and digital content creator, who has a great sway over her loyal followers. With a keen love for everything beauty and skincare, she is always out and about for beauty events. Her enthusiasm gives us constant insights into the skincare world, and we couldn’t have been more grateful!

“A little dose of sunshine, is what most people call me. I love sharing and spreading positivity because in this world, sometimes, kindness is all we really need. The love of sharing got me where I am today and I’m always grateful and thankful for all the support from my readers and all the brands I’ve worked with till date.”

She has just one advice for her followers and readers:

“Always remember to use sunscreen! It’s important to keep your skin protected from the sun’s UV rays & stay moisturised!”

Skincare and Beauty Personalities 2020

5. Roanna Tan

Just how flawless is that skin?Truly driven by passion, Roanna is a marketing professional in the day, and an ardent blogger by night. That’s something only feverish passion can fuel, right?

For years now, she has been reviewing beauty brands and products. Confused about what product to pick? Roanna will light up the way for you!Her keen passion for makeup and colours fueled her interest to start her own website at

“It literally means a parade of all the things I love — a humble space where I dish out honest reviews and my thoughts on beauty and skincare products in this competitive beauty market.

Fast forward 5 years after I started this journey, @paradeoflove continues to be a playground for me to express my creativity through art swatches (#ParadeofSwatches), my everyday style (#ParadeofOOTD) and my travel adventures (#ParadeofAdventures)! Many ask me how I juggle working full-time and being a blogger. Well, for me, @paradeoflove helps me destress, and keeps me sane because I truly enjoy creating beauty content!”

Skincare and Beauty Bloggers

6. Cheryl Chio

Besides juggling the rat race with her full-time job as an editor, Cheryl is also an experienced social media professional. Her beauty blog and social media channel on Instagram, have been helping out thousands of skincare enthusiasts for years now.

Over the seven years of her journey as a blogger, she’s bagged a variety of accolades! Some of them include being the Beauty Panel Judge for Her World Beauty Awards (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), Singapore Women’s Weekly Best of Beauty Buys (2020), and Cosmopolitan Beauty Grand Prix (2015).

She has also won multiple awards – HerWorldPlus Social Media Awards, Beauty category winner (2016) and more. Cheryl’s achievements are truly inspiring, and she shared her secret to success with us:

“I sleep a lot less than other folks – I average about 4 hours of sleep on a week day. On weekends, I spend many hours doing my Instagram stuff (unboxings, photography, product testing). I guess I get these done with sheer determination and willpower.” 

She has spent more than 12 years working, learning, and flourishing in the publishing and journalism industry. Cheryl strongly believes that her experience with publications like CLEO, T3, and Revolution is helping her embrace the new age of digital publishing!

About the Author

Tends to think in bullet points, tables and Venn diagrams; believes in 'me-time' and sometimes talks to plants.

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